Friday 1 May 2020

Student Learning 1/5


  1. Francesca Voykovich1 May 2020 at 10:30

    Great work room 17! Love seeing all your work! Mrs V.

  2. Hi Room 17, another great photo of our fantastic Rotary Walk Way Arnav, you look taller than I last remember. Thank you Joeric for all your sharing, I especially enjoyed the slide show about how old the Earth is and lots of facts about it.
    Wow, your three d drawing of a hole Lucas was a clever use of your shading. I wonder what other 3d drawings you could create? Keep up the great work Room 17.
    I hope to see some of the daily Maths Challenges completed by the talented Room 17!
    Have you seen the Jack n Box challenge yet?

    From Mrs Madden

  3. Mrs Rawlinson1 May 2020 at 16:32

    I am learning so much from reading all your work Room 17. There are so many ways to learn at home and you are discovering lots of them. Keep it up!

  4. Hi Room 17. Good to see you are enjoying your reading, Stefanie and Joeric, and doing some thinking about the books you are reading. Well done Jayden and Joeric, thinking about and exploring the world around us and how we can better care for it. Your Planet Game looks fun, Joeric. I wonder who you have played it with so far?
    Now that is a mystery, Lucas: drawing a 3D hole on a piece of paper which is only 2D! A clever use of lines and shading to create perspective! Well done!
    Mrs Cammell
