Thursday 7 May 2020

Student Learning 7/5


  1. Stefanie, I think you have something on the home learning blog every day. You are certainly working hard and learning a lot. I am impressed with your effort.

  2. You've been very busy Stefanie, keeping your body and brain busy!! You look as if you are enjoying your learning at home. Great effort!
    Mrs Cammell

  3. Stefanie and Dilan, well done for getting active outside. Have you noticed how our envrionment has changed since we've been learning from home?

  4. Mrs Rawlinson7 May 2020 at 16:07

    Good to see some of you managed to get outside today. How did Koby behave on his walk Nathan? Thank you Stephanie for sharing all the wonderful learning you are doing at home.

  5. Francesca Voykovich7 May 2020 at 20:12

    Awesome work room 17! Mrs V.
